Wednesday, December 29, 2010

When a TIA causes you to be MIA, Something Has to Change

As my body began to shut down and I felt my self slipping into a place where I could hear everyone and everything around me but they couldn't understand me, I felt a tear run down my face. I knew that momentarily I would be unable to really communicate with the world around me and in that moment I remembered the times before when I found myself in that place. As is being unable to speak were not enough, I also couldn't move my left side. Paralysis...

I prayed that I was experiencing a TIA rather than a stroke. TIAs are also called ministrokes. They resemble a stroke but the syptoms dissipate over time. They are believed to be caused by blood clots that shoot to the brain. They create a variety of impacts, but the bottom line is something has to change. There is a dis-ease that is created in your body telling you that something has to change!

I cannot count how many times I have heard in the last 48 hours that I need to slow down. The reality is that I had slowed down and gotten a quite different result than anticipated. I may not be medical doctor but I do realize that somethings has to change.

I had to sit down and begin to reflect on my relationships, past and current and their impact on my life and my health. Ultimately I realized that some relationships although they are not bad in and of themselves create some stuff in MY life that is BAD for ME. Something has to change.

I realize that people bring with them all of their issues like I bring mine but at the end of the day you have to be able to recognize when something has to change. I'm not saying toss out all of your relationships because as long as their are people there will be problems and issues but something has to change.

If the way you talk to me negatively affects me, then something has to change. If your assessment of my decisions results in me questioning myself, then something has to change. If your presence shifts my mood in the words of a good friend of mine, then something has to change. But I'm not expecting YOU to change because I can't control that. What I can control is ME!

I can control whether or not you talk to me. I can control whether or not I allow what you say to cause me to doubt me. I can control how I respond to your presence when your presence is inevitable. In other words, I can control ME! Something has to change and that something is ME! If you find yourself in a situation where something has to change, then begin by looking at yourself! You can only control YOU! Start NOW because something has to change!

Changing Even as You Read,

Dr. VG

Thursday, December 23, 2010

I Wish You Would...

I wish you would love me the way that I desire to be loved. I've spent my entire life trying to be the person you'd be proud of. I went to school. I got degrees. I got good jobs! Had more than three! I wish you would just recognize the person I am and the love I have inside.

Why is it that we spend the majority of our lives wishing someone would do something? Whether that someone is a parent, sibling, child, friend, family member, boss, co-worker, or mate, wishing will not make it a reality. When you find yourself dealing with people whose respect, admiration, and love you desire but they for whatever reason(s) are unable to give it, stop trying. I know that may sound harsh but the reality is if you can do something to get the response, then you can also do something to lose it. By definition, that is not unconditional.

Unconditional love, respect, and friendship is not contingent on you doing anything. You have to understand that in life others will TRY to control you by giving and withdrawing the things they know that you desire. But you have to set boundaries on what you are and are not willing to deal with in life. You know, I had an epiphany (revelation) today. There are things that I have wanted from family members and the opposite sex which I have failed to get no matter how wonderful I am. And I do know that I am wonderful. Not perfect but wonderful! At some core level my relationship whether good or bad with  my biological parents has affected positively and negatively every aspect of my life. It stops TODAY!

I am sick and tired of allowing people who made decisions 40+ years ago that led to my creation to dictate my present and my future. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE my parents. However, the reality is that parents are people with flaws and shortcomings like everyone else. I will honor them and respect them but I will not be manipulated, dictated to, or confused by their choices, attitudes, or actions any longer.

TODAY I choose to affirm my OWN worth and value! I am an intelligent, beautiful, anointed, loving, giving, inspiring, sexy, lovable, forgiving, passionate, artistic, invaluable, irreplaceable, and unforgettable woman. I was created to make a difference in the world and I am doing just that. I am victorious, unbreakable, unshakeable, unmoveable, steadfast, determined, and unstoppable. I am an extension of the great I AM!

Today, my words to you are going to be a little different though they may start out the same. I wish you would allow me to be fully and completely me and accept and love all of who I am, but if you don't I simply won't have room for you in my inner circle. I wish you would see my value and choose to redeem me like Boaz redeemed Ruth, but if you don't my life won't stop. It just means that YOU are not MY Boaz. I wish you would honor my accomplishments and be proud of what God has allowed me to achieve, but if you can't I will still love you as my family but also understand that I have to place some distance between us. I wish you would learn the lessons I taught you through my words and my life, but if you don't it is your life to live and I accept that fact. I wish you would choose to take control of your life and destiny, but if you don't I still choose to take control of mine.

Today, I wish you would read this blog and walk away a better, more enlightened person, but if you don't I will write anyway. My wishes for you are love, peace, knowledge, understanding, and joy. But if you don't receive them, then it is your loss. So much for wishes...focus on what you can control and you can ONLY control YOU! Be the best YOU that YOU can possibly be and let the rest GO!

For more endless wisdom and timeless lessons, visit and purchase your copy of Use Your Buckets: Twelve Life Lessons for Success. This book was featured on The Balancing Act on Lifetime. See the interview on national television on January 5th @6 am CST/7am EST. Share this information with a friend and follow the blog that is changing people's lives by changing their perspectives!

Wishing You the Best,

Dr. VG

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Disappointment Comes, So What, Now What

I know that it is early but I just got off the phone with one of the most important people in my life. He was going through a crisis and needed to talk to me. On the one hand, he was concerned about his disappointment or should I say being a disappointment. The caller was my son. Now this is what you have to know about my son or should I say this particular son, he always wants to make Mama proud. He is ride or die for his mama and will mess someone up for talking about, messing over, or mistreating HIS mama! No matter what I do or don't do, he loves me unconditionally and is proud of me. I epitomize success for him because he has seen me rise from the ashes as he said to me tonight "with my OWN eyes." So now he is evaluating his performance and is coming up short, now what?

As I listened to him talk about getting his grades and playing basketball, I found myself transported back to his father who played basketball in college briefly and his brother who played basketball in high school until he quit his senior year. I found myself having some conversations that sounded familiar with athletes I taught, tutored, and mentored at institutions like the University of Kentucky, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Univeristy of Georgia, and Tennessee State University. And I found myself wondering which type of person would my son show himself to be by the end of our conversation.

It always started out the same with "They didn't do me right. I should have gotten a better grade. I did "B" work." After I asked a few questions the next stage was generally the one where we began to figure out whose definition of "B" work we were working with. Of course, it was always theirs which was most of the time off by about a letter grade. Then we had to deal with what to do next because my philosophy is simply "It is what is. Now what?" How do you deal with the situation? What are your next steps? What do these grades say about the person?

My son was talking about grades but it could have been replaced with any sort of disappointment in the assessment of your performance or your actual performance. Things don't always go the way that we want them to go. We don't always get what we THINK we deserve. Sometimes the evaluation really is unfair. Sometimes we really didn't do as well as we thought we did. But the end result is the same...disappointment!

Disappointment comes because we expect one outcome and receive a different one. As long as you are alive you will have disappointments. So what! So what it didn't turn out the way you thought it would or wanted it to. So what! Life is not over! Now what? Cry right now. Vent right now. But then you have to be done with the crying, venting, moping, moaning, groaning, and complaining! Life goes on!

By the end of our conversation, after my son had quit school and basketball and life, he began to talk about what he had to do to fix his situation. Before he got to the fixing while he was still in his disappointment, I told him two things that I hope helped change his perspective. The first thing I told him was that I loved him. No matter what his grades were or how much playing time he got or what his performance was on the court, I loved him. The second thing I told him was that I was proud of him. I was proud of him because he was a good person. I was proud of him because he did not run away from tough times or challenges. I was proud of him because he was man enough to make his own decisions and deal with the consequences. I was proud of him because he had character.

Now I don't know if those things made a difference in his thought processes or how long it took him to get from the problem to the solution, but I knew that I had to let him know that I loved him and was proud of him. I won't say that I did not bring some things to his remembrance before I told him those two things but I wanted him to know that no matter what he could count on those two things.

I don't know what your disappointments are or have been, but I do know a few things.
  1. The only ways to guarantee failure are to not try or to give up.
  2. Failing to reach the goal is not failure, but failing to keep moving is.
  3. Falling down or falling short is not failure, but failing to get up is.
  4. The only failures in life are those who have a dream and FAIL to pursue it with all that they have!
  5. Disappointment will come, so what! Now what?
Life can be hard and unfair, but oh well, keep it moving. When your results don't match your expectations, maybe you need to change your beliefs, thoughts, and/or behaviors. If you really want to change your outcomes, then change your inputs! Don't spend your time focusing on your disappointment. Spend your time making your expectation your reality or change your expectation. It really is that simple.

For more endless wisdom and timeless lessons, visit and purchase your copy of Use Your Buckets: Twelve Life Lessons for Success. This book was featured on The Balancing Act on Lifetime. See the interview on national television on January 5th @6 am CST/7am EST. Share this information with a friend and follow the blog that is changing people's lives by changing their perspectives!

Disappointed No More,

Dr. VG

Monday, December 20, 2010

Wait I Say on the Lord! But How Do I WAIT?

So often you hear people talking about waiting on God. I'm waiting on God for a job. I'm waiting on God for a house. I'm waiting on God for my business. I'm waiting on God for a husband or a wife. I'm waiting on God...But these same people are not waiting on God, they are sitting on God. Sitting in the house waiting for God to bring the job, house, business, husband, or wife! That is not what God had in mind!

See we want things to just come to us but we don't want to do the work required to be in the right place at the right time doing the right thing! Wow! I'm waiting on God in a lot of areas in my life but believe me I am far from just sitting. I'm not trying to do God's job but I am determined to do mine. I have faith and I walk in faith, but the key is that I am walking in it and not sitting on it. Sometimes you have to just make a move and get started so that God can know that you really believe.

If you go and sit in a chair and just plop down, then you believe that chair will hold you. If you go test it out with your hands first and maneuver it around before sitting down you are unsure of whether it will hold you or not. We are the same way with life. If we believe then we simply act as though it were already done. Now, I'm not telling you to go change your name because your husband is already here, but I am telling you to get your house in order so when your husband or wife appears you are not trying to clean up at the last minute. Get rid of those people and things that you've been needing to discard to be in position and ready. For that job, get up and moving so that when it comes you are already accustomed to being up and productive. For that business, write the vision and make it plain. Get the business plan together.

You have to be in a posture to WAIT (Walk and Intentionally Talk)! You have to walk towards the goal and intentionally talk to yourself and others in ways that bring the goal to you. You are not begging. You are simply stating the facts about the situation and not what you see. The fact is that I am the CEO of a million dollar business even though the accounts don't look like it right now. The fact is that I am a New York Times best-selling author even though the list does not currently show my name. The fact is that I have my dream house even though I am not currently living in it. The fact is that we determine our facts with what we do and what we say.

If you want to change your outcomes, then change your language. If you want to change your reality, accepts the facts of your life instead accepting the situation or circumstances as your reality. It is just a figment of your imagination. What you currently see is just an illusion, a mirage, a shadow.

Wait on the Lord expectantly while doing what is necessary for your facts to become your reality! Walk and talk intentionally and watch God do the rest. I see my future and it looks better than my right now!

For more timeless lessons and endless wisdom on how to live happily ever NOW, visit and order your copy of Use Your Buckets. Don't just order it and not read it. Read it and apply it and watch your reality change!

Waiting expectantly,

Dr. VG

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Trees and the Trimmings

You know that it is Christmas time because you see the trees all lit up and all of the trimmings. I can remember as a child being so excited about putting up the Christmas tree and decorating it. As an adult I can remember being so excited about putting up the Christmas tree and decorating it. The funny thing is as an adult I wanted the tree to be perfect with all silver and blue or red and gold ornaments. Yes, of course, there would be some of the personal ornaments that the kids made at school, but I needed everything to be symmetrical and PERFECT!

I wanted people to come in and say, "Oh your tree is beautiful!" My Aunt Carrie always had trees like that. They looked like they had come out of the Home and Garden magazine and she was my idol. I always wanted to grow up to be like her because she was beautiful and well-put together. She looked like a model and her trees looked like models too! And that was my goal!

Well, we haven't put our tree up yet because we are in transition. So I'm trying to deal with not having total control over the TREE and the TRIMMINGS! You see, I understand that I have some control issues and I'm a perfectionist. Not a very good combination when you are celebrating with other people. So I'm struggling with this dilemma. Now the kids are excited about the tree and the trimmings. They are ready to put it up and get to decorating!

So now I have to let go of the tree! I have to purchase it and let them have their way with it. It is hard to let go, but there is also freedom in it. I know that this tree will exude the beauty of youth even if everything doesn't match. It will be alive and full of energy even if everything is not symmetrical. I know that it bring smiles to all of the children even if it is not PERFECT!

They will view the tree much like God views us even though we are not PERFECT! So stop worrying about the PERFECT tree and trimmings and put up the tree and let the chips fall where they may! Who knows you may end up with the most beautiful tree ever just because you let go!!!

Happy Tree Trimming!!

For more information on how to let go visit and get a copy of my book, Use Your Buckets!


Dr. VG

Friday, December 17, 2010

Silence is Golden!

Shhhhhh! I just want a little quiet. No children screaming Mama. Nobody calling my name. No recorders playing Jingle Bells. No children with 12 different mechanical devices going including the whoopie cushion on the cell phone. I'm just saying...Be QUIET!!!

Ok. Now I have to be honest with you. I like sounds like the next person, but I am at a place where I NEED silence! I NEED quiet! I NEED alone time! I NEED it! I'm not talking about a luxury! I'm talking necessity!
I need to be by myself for awhile to just be able to relax and hear my heart beat. I need the quiet, stillness of silence to re-center myself amidst all of the exciting changes taking place in my life. I just need to chill because silence is golden.

It is in silence that we find inspiration for the great ideas that generate true wealth. It is in the silence that we find peace in the midst of storms. It is in the silence that we hear the small, still voice of God speak to our situation whatever situation with which we find ourselves confronted. Silence...Shhhh!

Silence is golden when you are in a house full of people. On a job full of noise, both internal (your thoughts and mess) and external (other people's thoughts and mess). I'm just saying can I get a little quiet! My tolerance level is lower when I need silence. I don't want to hear all of that noise no matter where it is coming from I just NEED some silence because it is golden.

There is great value in silence. It is golden. It shines. It seems to envelope. It allows the release of tension and frustration by focusing on the peace within the silence. So when you feel overwhelmed and stressed out, just get by yourself and sit in the silence. Listen for the small, still voice and hear the voice of God speak to your situation or your storm. Shhhhhhh! Silence is golden!

To learn more about how to use what you've been given to live happily ever NOW visit and get the book that is quietly inspiring people to change their lives, Use Your Buckets. Check out my interview on The Balancing Act on Lifetime by clicking The Balancing Act banner on my webpage. And begin your journey to peace SILENTLY!
Sitting Silently,

Dr. VG

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Winter Weather Advisories, Alerts, and Closings: Life Must Go ON!

The weather we've had lately has shaken people up because it is freezing and snowing one day and raining the next. It has been up and down and in that sense it has been consistent. The storms that have come have resulted in winter weather advisories, alerts, and closings. The same is true in our lives. Let's look at the paralells.

In the winter, weather advisories are released when it is known that really bad weather is on the way. These advisories encouarage you not to travel any more than you have to travel because the conditions COULD GET hazardous. Now with the advisory the conditions are not hazardous but there is a possibility that they will become that way. Sometimes in life we ignore the advisories that suggest that our decision could result in some hazardous conditions. We know that there is a possibility but we choose to ignore the possibility thinking that it will pass us by even though it has hit others in similar situations. Some times we need to just pay attention to the advisory and proceed with extreme caution.

Winter weather alerts are different from advisories. Advisories say what COULD BE, but alerts respond to what IS. Alerts let you know that the weather is bad and you need to make some adjustments! And so it is in life, sometimes life gives us alerts that some stuff is just wrong! It is at these times that we have to make some decisions about whether or not we move forward. Sometimes we just need to STOP!

When we HAVE to STOP, we are experienceing a closing! The universe will close the door on some things that we thought we needed even though we didn't need them. These are times when we ought to be thankful because continuing on could result in destruction that we do not want nor need. Instead we usually complain about the closing. I want to encourage each of us to stop complaining and start thanking God for closing some stuff down that we didn't have the wisdom, courage, or strength to close down for ourselves.

Life is short and we need to pay attention to the weather conditions of our life like we do the weather conditions of our city or the city we are on our way to visit. When there is an advisory, pay attention to what could lie ahead. When there is an alert, know that there are dangerous conditions ahead. And when there is a closing, just stop and thank God for stopping you before you got too far gone!

But remember, no matter what the conditions are currently or ahead, LIFE must go ON! Dress appropriately for the weather. Do your due diligence to be prepared for what lies ahead. But brave the storm and know that in the end YOU WIN!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Favor Ain't Fair But I Love It!!!!

Okay, you all know that I like to keep it real! I have stepped out on faith to pursue my dreams and it is challenging! Living your dreams mean that you step out of the boat and onto the ocean! Now if I told you that the step you take onto the ocean would be without waves or turmoil, then I would be lying to you. But what I can tell you is that if you keep your eyes on the source of your faith and strength, then you will be able to withstand anything that comes your way!

So I am out on the ocean...The winds are blowing...the waves are beating against the boat and my legs...I feel the spray of the water on my face and I am wondering if I made the right decision. Can I really do this thing? Did I really leave my job as a tenured full-professor and its "SECURITY?" Am I going to sink? Worse yet, am I going to DROWN? Hold up, wait a minute! I've got to get myself together because I've got someplace to go!

I am an overcomer! I am more than a conqueror! I can look to the hills from which ALL of my help comes and stand firmly on the promises God has made ME! I am Dr. Veronica J. (Duncan) Glass! Ocean, you better recognize! Bills, you better recognize! Debt, you better recognize! Poverty mentality, YOU better recognize! I have more than enough! The world is releasing WEALTH to me even as I speak! I have abundance and there is NO LACK in my life! The favor of God RESTS upon my life! Yes, I said FAVOR!

Let me tell you what that means! It means that when I don't have the money, my favor kicks in and works it all out! It means that when I need something to happen, it happens right on time! I'm basking in God's FAVOR! I just watched my interview on The Balancing Act on Lifetime! I was on national television, not because I am so great but because God is so GREAT! I am in awe of His FAVOR on my life!

Favor ain't fair, but I love it!!!! Keep coming FAVOR!!!!

Check out the interview and see if you see FAVOR anywhere in the equation!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Holiday Blues Turned into Blueberry Pie...

Wow! The holidays are here and I smell cinammon and apples and the sweet smelling savor of pine in the air! I see the hustle and bustle of multitudes of people fighting to make sure that their children have THE PERFECT Christmas, Kwanzaa, Hanukkah, etc. But wait...what about the people who find themselves in a desperate financial situation. Those who can't afford the Christmas plug-ins to set the atmosphere in scent. Those who can't afford a Christmas tree let alone lights strung all around the house, because they are struggling to pay their regular electric bill? What about the people who no longer have a home and find themselves relying on the charity of others or in a shelter or worse yet in the streets? What about those people? They have to use their buckets too! Let's just be real! Can I just keep it one hundred with you all?

I don't know about you all but even I feel the pressure of the holidays! Why? Not because of Christ but because of people. Now I am a strong person but when your children hear all of their friends talking about all of the expensive gifts they are getting for Christmas and then want to provide you with their WISH list for SANTA, it creates some pressure. So let me give you  Dr. Glass' tips for dealing with the pressure of the holidays!

  1. Remind your entire family what the holidays are about my letting them know how much you love and appreciate them through your words and actions.
  2. Let your children know that the gifts they get for Christmas don't determine how good they are or their value.
  3. Be honest with your family and friends about what is going to be financially feasible for you this year.
  4. Don't beat yourself up because you can't get everything you want to get your family and friends for Christmas.
  5. Develop a plan to celebrate the holidays without going into debt on your credit cards, payday loans, title loans, or any other scheme to have you paying for that one day for 12 months after the toys are broken.
  6. Spend some time with your family doing fun but inexpensive things like baking cookies from the refrigerated section of the grocery store...Thank God for Pillsbury!
  7. Have a Christmas movie night courtesy of Redbox. You can't beat a dollar, but please take the movies back the next day!
  8. Have your children pick a gift that can be shared as their big gift...I know they don't want to share but oh well, they need to learn to do it!
  9. Write a note to family and friends that is personal to show your love and appreciation or send a Christmas card.
  10. Set aside some time for yourself and treat yourself to a hot chocolate at Starbucks and read a good book like Use Your Buckets!!!
  11. Develop family traditions they don't require money.
  12. Celebrate the true meaning of the holiday season which for us is the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It really is about giving Him the greatest gift that we can...loving one another!
Don't get caught up in the holiday blues. Take those blues and make blueberry pie! Now personally, I don't like blueberry pie, but at least it will make for a great gift or pie fight! I'm cool either way! Use your buckets and live happily ever NOW! Don't wait until later, because it just might be too late!

Enjoy the holiday season and Merry Christmas!!!


Dr. VG