Saturday, February 26, 2011

Transitioning into a New Dimension: SHIFT!!!!

Lately, I have been faced with all of the challenges of being in transition. Transition in relationships. Transition in living situation. Transition in the spiritual. Normally, the thought of all of that transition would make me want to roll over and die, but not now. I find myself embracing my transitions not because I want to go through all of these changes at once, but because they are going to happen whether I embrace them or not. So I have finally learned to simply embrace what God allows because there is always purpose in it.

When God is transitioning us, we may find ourselves alone or our circle shrinking to a seemingly nonexistent point. It may seem lonely at times. It may even seem as though the world is against us and they MAY be, BUT GOD! But God is more than the whole world against us! But God says that "no weapon formed against us shall prosper." But even Jesus said concerning His crucifiers who mocked Him on the cross, "Forgive them for they know not what they do."

All of these scriptures are true but challenging to accept as reality because they are counter to our human nature which is to just whine, complain, and feel sorry for ourselves while we play the victim. Well, transitioning into a new dimension and not just level means that we shift how we handle attacks because attacks will and must come. Because they must come, we have to move beyond being ruled by extreme emotions by the attacks and do what must be done to shift ourselves which the world may see as being selfish. Don't let that move you!

You have a mission and a purpose and anything and anyone who detracts from that mission and purpose must be moved or dealt with differently. If you can't move them, move yourself  because your destiny is too important to abort because of foolishness. You see, we get it twisted. It may appear that fight is about people, situations, or things, but the fight is really about destiny. Destiny decisions cost! Let me say that again, destiny decisions cost! They cost Jesus and they will cost us!

When Peter told Jesus that he wouldn't let Him go to Jerusalem and suffer, Jesus' response was to the spirit of fear in Peter which He told to "get behind" Him. There are some folks who have spirits that you have to tell to get behind you, because where you are going you can't afford to have people with doubt or fear distracting you from your destiny. I know that sounds harsh, but when Jesus needed to perform a GREAT miracle He put everyone out of the room except Peter, James, and John. Now notice that the same one who had been in the room for the GREAT miracles as well as all of the other ones ended up trying to prevent Jesus from doing what was necessary for Him to transition into a new dimension. But the same one also denied Him three times before he was restored by Christ to do a great work.

What am I saying in all of this? Sometimes you have to shift people's position in your life so that they can grow to be who God desires them to be and to do what God desires them to do. But you have to transition, no matter the cost and it will cost you. The disciples had to leave families and land, but Jesus promised to restore hundredfold because they willingly gave those things up for His name's sake. You only get sevenfold for what the enemy takes, but hundredfold for what you voluntarily give up. Wow!

It is time to transition into a new dimension. A dimension that will require your faith to operate on a higher level. A dimension that will thin out your circle. A dimension that will pull stuff out of you both good and bad. A dimension that will not allow you to be a victim, but requires you to walk in victory in all situations and circumstances. A dimension that will require you to take responsibility for your life, your choices, and your consequences. A dimension that will show you God in a new, deeper, more enlightened light. A dimension that you have never been to before and is foreign. You will learn a new language and new customs. Stop fighting the transition and just SHIFT!!!

For more timeless lessons and endless wisdom, listen to Dr. Glass on 880 AM WBMD Thursday, March 3rd  at 3:00 pm as she serves as the guest host on "Nothing But the Truth w/ Carl Boyd, Jr." or online at Visit and purchase your copy of Use Your Buckets: Twelve Life Lessons for Success. This book was featured on The Balancing Act on Lifetime. See the interview by clicking The Balancing Act banner on Share this information with a friend and follow the blog that is changing people's lives by changing their perspectives!


Dr. VG

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Your Morning is on the Way

It's amazing how the shift from night to morning can change so many things. We go to sleep when things are overwhelming or we are depressed by our situation with the hope that in the morning things will be better. It is almost like if we can just go to sleep, then when we wake up it will be all better no matter how bad it was.

I just want to encourage you and let you know that your morning is on the way. Remember night only lasts for so long and then morning MUST come. Sometimes we get frustrated because it feels like morning will never come, but then it does and the sun rises and it is a new day. No matter how long our night lasts the sun will rise and our morning will come.

We have to rest in the assurance that it CANNOT be night FOREVER. God has given night a limited time only. But while it is night, we have to learn to enjoy the night while we are waiting for the morning. Let me tell you why. There are some things that are just better at night. Watching a scary movie is better at night. Having a romantic dinner is better at night. Sitting in front of the fireplace is better at night. Sleep is better at night. There are things that are just more enjoyable at night. So if there was never a night, then we would never know just how good those things are when it is dark.

The same is true with our lives and our growth. We grow more during our night seasons. We find out how strong we are during our night. We find out who is for us and who is against us during our night. We grow to appreciate our morning more during our night. We learn to love ourselves and others more during our night. We build our character during our night.

So instead of complaining because you are in your night, appreciate your night. Find ways to enjoy your night and wait expectantly on your morning knowing that night will come again. Be encouraged because the better you get at enjoying your night, the easier it becomes to wait on your morning. Don't despair because your morning is on the way! Hold on and have a candlelit dinner while you wait!

For more timeless lessons and endless wisdom, listen to Dr. Glass on 880 AM WBMD Thursdays at 3:15 pm on "Nothing But the Truth w/ Carl Boyd, Jr." or online at Visit and purchase your copy of Use Your Buckets: Twelve Life Lessons for Success. This book was featured on The Balancing Act on Lifetime. See the interview by clicking The Balancing Act banner on Share this information with a friend and follow the blog that is changing people's lives by changing their perspectives!

Enjoying My Night,

Dr. VG

Monday, February 21, 2011

Joy in the Press

Given that we now accept the fact that we will find ourselves in the press in our lives, we have to learn to have joy in the press. In case you are unsure of what the press is, it is that place where things get extremely tight in your life...You may find friends and family members coming against you, things not going the way you planned, and/or situations overwhelming you to the point of feeling helpless in your situation. In this extremely tight place, you have to find a way to deal with the pressure that comes from being wound up and squeezed until it seems as though you can't breathe and there is no way out.

The press is not only tight, but it is also extremely hot! It is much like being tossed into the furnace. The heat in your life is turned up and it feels like you will be consumed by the fire of the trials and tribulations that you face. It is a heat that is so hot that you can feel it before you find yourself in the fire. Yet, you have to go through the fire.

So now you must be asking how do you find joy in a situation like that ...pressed on every side and heat that threatens to melt you. Let me tell you how you get and keep your joy in the midst of all of that. First, you have to accept that you are going to be in the press. It is simply a reality that those seasons of press will exist in your life. You may not know exactly when they will come but you know that they will come so you are not surprised by their occurrence. Once you expect something, then it takes the surprise out of it. It is when we don't expect things that we find ourselves shocked by them. Take away the shock and you remove the element of surprise from the equation.

Second, you accept that while you are in the press people will be revealed to you. People that you know and love, people that you really like, and people that you just know in some capacity will be revealed as either for you, not for you, or could care less about what happens to you. The crazy thing is that you will be surprised by who is for you and who is not for you. The people that you think will be for you, won't be for you. And the people that you think won't, will be for you. So don't be surprised. Again the key is take the surprise out of the situation. Just accept people for who they are. They will tell you and show you who they are so believe them.

Third, you have to accept that you can only control yourself and your actions in any situation. You can't control anyone else so stop trying. It is when you expect to be able to change others that you find yourself frustrated. Because you can't control other people, control yourself. Make the best decisions that you can best to position yourself for where you want to go. If others don't want to go or don't get it, it is okay. Let them do them and you do you. Life will go on. I know that it may sound cold and uncaring, but the reality is that the best thing you can do for other people is let them choose the life they want to live and deal with the consequences.

Finally, you have to accept that you can choose joy in any situation no matter how difficult, tight, hot, or overwhelming it is. No one else can give you joy or bring you joy. You choose joy by accepting people and things for what they are and maintaining your positive attitude. Positivity about life regardless of the situation will put you in position to have joy no matter what goes on or how it turns out. Your focus is on remaining positive and seeing the positive in the situation and there is always something positive in every situation.

Accept that you will be in the press, people will show you who they are, you can only control yourself and your actions, and you can choose joy in any situation. Accepting these statements as reality will position you to have joy in all situations and especially in the press. It is all a matter of CHOICE! What will you choose...expectancy or surprise, your perception of people or their reality, control of yourself or frustration that you can't control others, joy or bitterness? Again you choose joy. Why not?

For more timeless lessons and endless wisdom, listen to Dr. Glass on 880 AM WBMD Thursdays at 3:15 pm on "Nothing But the Truth w/ Carl Boyd, Jr." or online at Visit and purchase your copy of Use Your Buckets: Twelve Life Lessons for Success. This book was featured on The Balancing Act on Lifetime. See the interview by clicking The Balancing Act banner on Share this information with a friend and follow the blog that is changing people's lives by changing their perspectives!


Dr. VG

Saturday, February 19, 2011

God's Got You WHEN You Go Through Your Trials!!!

I recently spoke on the radio about how NOT to give up. One of the things that I said was that when you go through things you have to be prepared and have a strategy. Do you know what I believe is one of our greatest challenges? We want to be prepared IF we go through instead of WHEN we go through. Let me give you a nugget that could save you a lot of time and energy complaining and whining. YOU WILL GO THROUGH!!! I repeat you will go through and there is no if, ands, or buts about it.

This morning during my meditation the Lord took me to Isaiah 43. In that chapter God declares that He has Jacob/Israel. He is the provision and the protector and He knows them by NAME! But He also says that "WHEN you pass through the waters, I will be with you; And through the rivers, they shall not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned, Nor shall the flame scorch you." Wow! God is letting them and us know that the waters, rivers, and fire will come and we must go through them, BUT they will not hurt us! What a revelation!

I don't know about you but I know that I have had some trials during which I wanted to roll over and die, but the trials remained and I came through them. I wanted to know why it happened to me, but it still happened and I had to go through it. I felt like I would drown and I may have swallowed some water and choked, but I did not drown. The fire felt hot and I thought I would burn up but I just felt the heat and no fire touched me. What I am telling you is that we have to mature to the point where we EXPECT waters, rivers, and fire to come. We must EXPECT to go THROUGH them. We must KNOW that God has us no matter what and He won't let us be alone, overtaken, burned, or scorched but we still MUST GO THROUGH!

I'm encouraged that God has me and I know that I will come out on top no matter how tight it is. We have to know the outcome and prepare ourselves to endure whatever is necessary in order to get through our trials. Are you really shocked that people will talk about you, why when you will talk about others? Are you really shocked that things will go wrong, why when they've gone wrong before? Are you really shocked that people will do you wrong, why when it has happened before and you have done others wrong? At the end of the day all we can do is the best we can with what we have and be prepared to GO THROUGH because we will have to do just that!

When you are prepared for something or expect it, it has less of an impact on you than when you are not expecting it. Expect to go through and do just that...go through. God has promised us that we won't go through alone even though it may feel like it. He has promised us that we won't be overtaken, burned, or scorched. We will make it out and be just fine afterwards because God has got us! Hold your head up high! Keep the faith! Stand steadfast and immovable! Be still and see the salvation of the Lord! God's got you...just go through!

For more timeless lessons and endless wisdom, listen to Dr. Glass on 880 AM WBMD Thursdays at 3:15 pm on "Nothing But the Truth w/ Carl Boyd, Jr." or online at Visit and purchase your copy of Use Your Buckets: Twelve Life Lessons for Success. This book was featured on The Balancing Act on Lifetime. See the interview by clicking The Balancing Act banner on Share this information with a friend and follow the blog that is changing people's lives by changing their perspectives!

Going Through,

Dr. VG

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Walk into Your Destiny!!!

It is time to walk into your destiny!! Notice I said walk and not run. My word choice was deliberate. Sometimes you have to run to get somewhere for fear of missing something or because you are in a hurry. The problem with running is that you may miss something vital that you needed to see or experience along the way. We have run into enough because what've run into has often been a wall. No, it is time to walk deliberately and confidently into what God has already declared is ours. There is no rush just steady movement into our destiny.

What I know is that when we allow God to work things out for us, we can walk into it because everything is already in place. He is Jehovah Nisi "Our Banner" who goes before us and prepares the way. He makes what looks like obstacles of no effect or He turns them into stepping stones! Either way, we come out on top!

So today, choose to walk into those places that God has ordained for you to be with confidence. Speak what God has said to speak. And live like God has ordained for you to live. Watch out world, this GOD DIVA is walking into her destiny in her stilettos! Ooops, watch your toes!

For more timeless lessons and endless wisdom, listen to Dr. Glass on 880 AM WBMD Thursdays at 3:15 pm on "Nothing But the Truth w/ Carl Boyd, Jr." or online at Visit and purchase your copy of Use Your Buckets: Twelve Life Lessons for Success. This book was featured on The Balancing Act on Lifetime. See the interview by clicking The Balancing Act banner on Share this information with a friend and follow the blog that is changing people's lives by changing their perspectives!

Walking Confidently,

Dr. VG

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Live Happily Ever Now w/ Dr. Veronica Glass: Backed Up Against a Wall, Spring Forward with Purp...

Live Happily Ever Now w/ Dr. Veronica Glass: Backed Up Against a Wall, Spring Forward with Purp...: "When you're backed up against a wall, don't cry because there is no where to go. It is time to spring forward with every bit of might that y..."

Backed Up Against a Wall, Spring Forward with Purpose!!

When you're backed up against a wall, don't cry because there is no where to go. It is time to spring forward with every bit of might that you have. I mean crouch down like you are in the starting blocks of the 100 meter dash at the Olympics and you are running for the gold! The funny thing about starting blocks is that you have to back into them. You squat down and step back into them to get on your mark. You raise up when you hear get set. And then at the sound of the gun, you take off by leaping forward with everything you have.

I chose to use the 100 meter dash rather than any other race because there is no time to waste. You can't sit back and set the pace and wait until you are almost at the end to give it all you have. You have to give it all you have from the sound of the gun because there is no time to waste. There is no time to check people out or see how you feel. You just have to run. There is no time to look around and see who is still in the race. You have to run like you are the only one on the track and you are running for your life.

When you are backed up against the wall, it is the same way. There is no time to contemplate whether you are going to stay against the wall. You just have to do what you have to do and get it done. You have to get on your mark, get set, and then GOOOOOOOO! Spring forward like it is a race for your very life because very often that is the case. Run, run, run! Push, push, push! Fight, fight, fight!

Stop whining, complaining, and DOOOOO something! Now and not later! My bishop left us with the following wisdom on this past Sunday. She said, "You will face a dilemma. Then you have to make a decision. Then you will experience your deliverance." I'm telling you being backed up against the wall is a dilemma, but it is one that can propel you into your destiny. You see, there is no going back. No place else to go, but forward. Spring forward!!!!

Springing forward with purpose,

Dr. VG

For more timeless lessons and endless wisdom, listen to Dr. Glass on 880 AM WBMD Thursdays at 3:15 pm on "Nothing But the Truth w/ Carl Boyd, Jr." or online at Visit and purchase your copy of Use Your Buckets: Twelve Life Lessons for Success. This book was featured on The Balancing Act on Lifetime. See the interview by clicking The Balancing Act banner on Share this information with a friend and follow the blog that is changing people's lives by changing their perspectives!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Who Loves You, Baby?!

I remember Kojak saying, "Who loves you, Baby?" Of course, he was implying that he did. So often people imply that they love you and they may even say that they love you, but I've discovered that most people's love is fickle. They love you as long as you do what they think you ought to do or what they want you to do. They love you as long as it is beneficial but when it begins to cost them, then they no longer love you quite as much. They love you as long as...fill in the blank. That, however, is not TRUE LOVE!

On this Valentine's Day, ask the question to yourself of who loves you, REALLY. As I ponder that question, the answer is quite disturbing and yet expected. My children love me unconditionally. God loves me unconditionally!!! And I'm sure that there are some other people who love me while others love me right now. Others who used to love me until they realized that I really was imperfect and have tunnel vision when required. The crazy thing is that sometimes people who really can see you and love you don't share your bloodline. Love is not determined by blood. But blood has definitely established the most powerful example of love in history.

Jesus loved us enough to die on the cross for us, that's love! God loved us enough to send His only begotten son, that's love. I find myself reveling in the love of God because it never leaves and neither does He. His love is perfect and sometimes we have to do like Jesus and get away to be in the healing presence of His love at its fullest. Know that God loves you no matter what anyone else thinks, says, or does. And if God be for you, who can be against you! Let God's love envelope you!

Basking in His love,

Dr. VG

Visit my website for more of Dr. Veronica Glass' timeless lessons and endless wisdom! Order your copy of Use Your Buckets!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

It's Game Day...Game ON!

Today is one of the most anticipated days in American sports...the SUPER BOWL! Now while men are anxiously awaiting this day and some women, many women feel that it is just another excuse for grown men to put on jerseys to relive or pseudo-live the glory days of their own athletic careers. It could have been college football, high school fotball, middle school football, or for some pee wee football! Some might have always wanted to be an athlete so it is there opportunity to get with other wanna be athletes to look athletic while watching others actually perform on the field. And some relish being on the sideline as a waterboy or athletic trainer just assisting those who are performing in the game. Then you have your cheerleaders who love looking cute, sexy, and sassy, while screaming, "Ra, Ra, Ra, Sis-boom-ba!" There are always the fanatics in the stands who paint their faces and their bodies and stand in freezing weather with no shirts on to prove their dedication to the team. All of that is great.

And today there will be millions of Americans sitting in living rooms, bars, country clubs, basements, etc., watching the game with great anticipation. Cheering on good plays. Crying on fumbles. And cursing out referees for making sorry calls. They will be eating hot wings, sausage balls, chips and dip, etc. At half-time they will be waiting to see the history making commercials for this year...which ones will get two thumbs up and which ones will clearly get the thumbs down is a matter of perspective. But people will be waiting and watching.

But then there are the players whose teams actually made it to the Super Bowl! Their day will be very different because while other people have been getting the flat screen tv, food, and drinks together to WATCH the game, they've been preparing to PLAY the game. They've been watching what they eat, getting plenty of rest, working out, practicing, getting their mind right for the moment when the kick-off occurs. They can't worry about the commercials, whose watching, what's going on on the sidelines, what's going on in the stands. Their total focus has to be on the playing field and their performance.

It's game day for you in your life and you have to decide where you will home sitting in front of the tv, in a bar, at the game in the stands, at the game on the sidelnes, at the game cheering, or at the game playing on the field. Too often we spend all of our time watching others perform and excel instead of positioning ourselves to be an active player on the roster in this game called life. It comes hard and fast. You might get some bad calls and sometimes you might fumble, but at least you are playing. Don't spend the rest of your life watching others play the game.

Choose to play and play to win. Choose the lifestyle you want and develop a strategy to get it. Get your game plan together, practice, put on your game face, and play like it is your last chance to play. So what if you get taken out of the game for a few plays, when the coach calls you to go back in don't start limping talking about "my leg is hurt."  Shake off the failure and go back in.

Declare today that it is game day. Not because of the Super Bowl but because it is your life. Every day is game day and you need a new attitude to get to a new altitude. Look yourself in the face in the mirror and say "Game ON!" I've decided it's "Game ON!" in every area of my life. So if you want to be in the stands, I don't need you wearing my jersey. I need some serious players who are ready to change their life and the lives of generations to come. Some folks who can take hits and get up, constructive criticism and make adjustments, and run when they have the ball! Let's play ball! I'm ready for you LIFE. Give me all you've got, because I will definitely give you all I've got! Look at someone and tell them, "It's Game Day...Game ON!"

For more timeless lessons and endless wisdom, listen to Dr. Glass on 880 AM WBMD Thursdays at 3 pm on "Nothing But the Truth w/ Carl Boyd, Jr." or online at Visit and purchase your copy of Use Your Buckets: Twelve Life Lessons for Success. This book was featured on The Balancing Act on Lifetime. See the interview by clicking The Balancing Act banner on Share this information with a friend and follow the blog that is changing people's lives by changing their perspectives!

Game ON,

Dr. VG

Saturday, February 5, 2011

What to do when you don't know what to do!

Life is full of unexpected twists and turns. Often we serve as the force behind those twists and turns with the decisions that we make whether they are good, bad, or indifferent. The resulting forces can create a whirlwind of activity that causes us to lose our focus, make missteps, or find ourselves turning completely around. So when you find yourself in that place where you just don't know what to do, what DO you do? Let me tell you what I've discovered.

I've discovered that even though I may not know what to do, God does know. When I trust Him with my decision making and my actions He has a way of making clear to me what to do but only step by step. I may not see the full picture or understand why I have to take the steps that I take but I do know to take that first step in FAITH.

Taking that first step in FAITH, you have to FOCUS on hearing God's detailed and specific instructions. It is only in a state of FOCUS that you can hear Him clearly. FOCUS, intense, and deliberate will bring great clarity to you in any situation when you believe that you gain clarity! Faith and Focus begin to work together to bring about solutions to your situation a bit, a piece, a slice at a time.

Once you have operated in FAITH and FOCUS, there must be ACTION. Not just an initial step but continued ACTION. Massive ACTION is generated from initial action on a consistent basis. Every day you are taking new initial steps. Every day you are moving...getting closer to your destination even when you don't realize it. Too often we want to quit or give up right before the breakthrough comes. We stopped believing the promises of God a minute too soon and made a decision that delayed or altered our God-ordained outcome. We ended up with a knock-off of God's original plan for us because we bought just a little too soon. We ended up missing out on the promise from Sarah to get the imitation from Hagar. Abraham's promise was not lost because of their impatience but it was delayed and there was a lot of drama that resulted from their decision that still impacts us today.

Stop giving up TOO soon! Stop giving in TOO soon! Stop throwing in the towel when you are just supposed to lay it down! What to do when you don't know what to do is have FAITH, FOCUS, and ACTION! Let them have their perfect work and watch the wonders of God be revealed!

For more timeless lessons and endless wisdom, listen to Dr. Glass on 880 AM WBMD or online Visit and purchase your copy of Use Your Buckets: Twelve Life Lessons for Success. This book was featured on The Balancing Act on Lifetime. See the interview by clicking The Balancing Act banner on Share this information with a friend and follow the blog that is changing people's lives by changing their perspectives!

Operating in Faith, Focus, and Action,

Dr. VG