Sunday, February 6, 2011

It's Game Day...Game ON!

Today is one of the most anticipated days in American sports...the SUPER BOWL! Now while men are anxiously awaiting this day and some women, many women feel that it is just another excuse for grown men to put on jerseys to relive or pseudo-live the glory days of their own athletic careers. It could have been college football, high school fotball, middle school football, or for some pee wee football! Some might have always wanted to be an athlete so it is there opportunity to get with other wanna be athletes to look athletic while watching others actually perform on the field. And some relish being on the sideline as a waterboy or athletic trainer just assisting those who are performing in the game. Then you have your cheerleaders who love looking cute, sexy, and sassy, while screaming, "Ra, Ra, Ra, Sis-boom-ba!" There are always the fanatics in the stands who paint their faces and their bodies and stand in freezing weather with no shirts on to prove their dedication to the team. All of that is great.

And today there will be millions of Americans sitting in living rooms, bars, country clubs, basements, etc., watching the game with great anticipation. Cheering on good plays. Crying on fumbles. And cursing out referees for making sorry calls. They will be eating hot wings, sausage balls, chips and dip, etc. At half-time they will be waiting to see the history making commercials for this year...which ones will get two thumbs up and which ones will clearly get the thumbs down is a matter of perspective. But people will be waiting and watching.

But then there are the players whose teams actually made it to the Super Bowl! Their day will be very different because while other people have been getting the flat screen tv, food, and drinks together to WATCH the game, they've been preparing to PLAY the game. They've been watching what they eat, getting plenty of rest, working out, practicing, getting their mind right for the moment when the kick-off occurs. They can't worry about the commercials, whose watching, what's going on on the sidelines, what's going on in the stands. Their total focus has to be on the playing field and their performance.

It's game day for you in your life and you have to decide where you will home sitting in front of the tv, in a bar, at the game in the stands, at the game on the sidelnes, at the game cheering, or at the game playing on the field. Too often we spend all of our time watching others perform and excel instead of positioning ourselves to be an active player on the roster in this game called life. It comes hard and fast. You might get some bad calls and sometimes you might fumble, but at least you are playing. Don't spend the rest of your life watching others play the game.

Choose to play and play to win. Choose the lifestyle you want and develop a strategy to get it. Get your game plan together, practice, put on your game face, and play like it is your last chance to play. So what if you get taken out of the game for a few plays, when the coach calls you to go back in don't start limping talking about "my leg is hurt."  Shake off the failure and go back in.

Declare today that it is game day. Not because of the Super Bowl but because it is your life. Every day is game day and you need a new attitude to get to a new altitude. Look yourself in the face in the mirror and say "Game ON!" I've decided it's "Game ON!" in every area of my life. So if you want to be in the stands, I don't need you wearing my jersey. I need some serious players who are ready to change their life and the lives of generations to come. Some folks who can take hits and get up, constructive criticism and make adjustments, and run when they have the ball! Let's play ball! I'm ready for you LIFE. Give me all you've got, because I will definitely give you all I've got! Look at someone and tell them, "It's Game Day...Game ON!"

For more timeless lessons and endless wisdom, listen to Dr. Glass on 880 AM WBMD Thursdays at 3 pm on "Nothing But the Truth w/ Carl Boyd, Jr." or online at Visit and purchase your copy of Use Your Buckets: Twelve Life Lessons for Success. This book was featured on The Balancing Act on Lifetime. See the interview by clicking The Balancing Act banner on Share this information with a friend and follow the blog that is changing people's lives by changing their perspectives!

Game ON,

Dr. VG

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