Have you ever been in situation where your feet got stepped on and it hurt? I mean the feeling you get when you are at church and the pastor is preaching and all you can do is lift your feet off the floor because he is stepping all over your feet! And you want to say, "Ouch! Get off of my feet!" but you know if you do then everyone will know that it applies to you. Well, today you may say "Ouch! Get off of my feet!"
Life is challenging and sometimes God brings DIFFICULT people into our lives to prune us, build us, grow us, perfect us. I know it is hard to hear but very often these people have characteristics that we also have. Ouch! Yes, it is often the stuff in them that reflects the stuff in us that most gets on our nerve. It is hard to see but even harder to deal with. And all you can say is "Ouch! Get off of my feet!"
Yes, these people make you really look at yourself and say, "Am I like that?" It's a hard pill to swallow, but swallow it we must if we are to ever be better people. Stop saying, "Ouch! Get off of my feet!" and start moving your feet for change. Keep moving towards the best you that you can be. Don't get stuck in having flaws, they make us human. Don't get frsustrated with yourself. Just make some different choices and you will get different outcomes! They may not come immediately, but they will come. I am living proof of that fact.
Ouch! I know it hurts, but I'm glad I can still feel it. Now I know to move my feet in a different direction. Sometimes it takes the pain to generate change!
For more timeless lessons and endless wisdom, visit http://www.drveronicaglass.com/and purchase your copy of Use Your Buckets: Twelve Life Lessons for Success. This book was featured on The Balancing Act on Lifetime. See the interview by clicking The Balancing Act banner on http://www.drveronicaglass.com/. Share this information with a friend and follow the blog that is changing people's lives by changing their perspectives!
Moving my feet,
Dr. VG
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