In life we are so used to getting things when we want them. I have heard it said that we are a microwave society meaning that we want everything super quick. If it would normally take 3 hours we want it in 1 or less. But the reality is that some things just take time and they happen right on time! Not early, not late, but right on time.
Our challenge is that it may not happen on our time. But who says that our time for things is the RIGHT time for them. I'm just saying...when I look back over my life and examine the times that I thought God was moving too slow because something I wanted to happen hadn't happened by when I wanted it to happen, God's timing was actually perfect and accomplished some things. I mean we've all been in situations where we wanted or needed something to happen that did not happen when we wanted or "thought" we needed it to happen only to discover later that when it happened was actually the perfect time.
Time...chronos and kairos...still time but different concepts. While we are working on chronos God is working in the kairos. Chronos is the physical time while kairos is metaphysical time. One operates in the natural while the other operates in the spiritual. What we have to accept is that God is not limited to physical time because He controls all time. We may not see it manifested in the natural but it is already finished in the spiritual.
So everything that you want and need, God has already responded to in the spiritual. It may not have manifested yet in the physical and it may not ever manifest the way you want it in the physical, but God has already addressed it either way in the spiritual realm. So why worry and stress yourself out over things God has already worked out in the way or the other.
I'm not saying don't do your part. I'm not saying when God has told you something not to do the work. I'm not saying that it can't happen, but what I am saying is that God knows exactly what you need and exactly when you need it. Faith is not believing what you see. Faith is believing what you can't see and believing even when it looks like you'll never see.
If it hasn't happened yet, then maybe God is simply giving you the opportunity to show forth your faith. Exercise it a little while. And when it is really time, then God will show up right on time! His timing is perfect! Trust Him.
For more timeless lessons and endless wisdom, visit purchase your copy of Use Your Buckets: Twelve Life Lessons for Success. This book was featured on The Balancing Act on Lifetime. See the interview by clicking The Balancing Act banner on Share this information with a friend and follow the blog that is changing people's lives by changing their perspectives!
Walking in the chronos but trusting in the kairos,
Dr. VG
I am soooo feeling God's timing right now. Here's the thing...I want my business to grow now, right now, so badly. I know it's growing and manifesting in God's time, I just feel like the movement of time is as slow as molasses rolling up hill on a cold day. Yet again you've repeated what I've been hearing from my mother, my business partners, my friends and most of all and more importantly Holy Spirit. It's just difficult at times for me to be patient. I don't think I was in line when God was handing out that particular gift. I'm learning though that God's grace is sufficient. Hey and maybe that's the real lesson in all of this waiting! God bless you Dr. VG!