Saturday, January 1, 2011

A New Year and an Empty Bucket

We have rolled into 2011 and it is truly a NEW year! We can choose to start the year out with an empty bucket which is really a blessing to most of us whether we know it or not. We get to let go of all of the junk, foolishness, and mess of 2010 by simply "dumping our bucket" so we can move into the new year with an empty bucket! Yes, an empty bucket! Some of you are cringing at the thought of having anything EMPTY but guess what! I have some good news for you. Lesson 1 of Use Your Buckets: Twelve Life Lessons for Success states that "an empty bucket is full of possibilities."

Let's not look at emptiness as a negative but as an opportunity to fill your buckets with WHAT and WHO you want. Check this out. Imagine how you want your year to end in 2011. Let's start there at the end and work our way backwards so that we know what and who to put in our bucket to make that reality exist by the end of this year. A good friend and mentor of mine has been telling me for a while to start with the end in mind and work backwards. Being as stubborn and hard-headed as I can be, I have not done that heretofor. However, 2011 gives me the opportunity to do just that...decide what I want in the end and write my script for it by filling my bucket selectively.

The challenge in this approach is that it forces us to really THINK about what it is we want and sometimes we don't want to say it for fear that we won't get it. Let's get that out of the way now. So what if you don't get it all. What if the worst case scenario is that you get half of what you are shooting for in 2011. That's 50% more of what you want than you had when the year began today. So do you really LOSE anything if you don't get it all. Not at all. But FEAR tries to convince us not to dream, set goals, and work towards them because we might FAIL.

Let's break this all down. FEAR is simply False Evidence Appearing Real. It is not real, it just seems real. It is a mirage, an illusion. You see the danger with mirages lie in how we respond to them. In a desert if you see a mirage of water, then you will go scoop it up and try to drink it only to discover that it is sand. Now you are choking on sand because you allowed the mirage to dictate your actions. We can't let what we see with the natural eyes determine our behavior. Instead our behavior has to be determined by our goal.

The next problem is the belief that we will FAIL (Flawlessly Ascend in Life)! Let me FAIL when that is what it means. I believe that most people who fear failure really fear success or flawlessly ascending in life and then are mad at or jealous of those people who do ascend. This year we have to make some decisions. We've been given gifts and talents so don't be afraid to use them to the fullest. People who can't handle them don't deserve your time or your attention. FOCUS on those people who can embrace who you are and you CLICK.

Hear me clearly. There will be people who will be in your life but don't have to be IN your life. In 2011 be wise in who you let IN your INNER circle because everyone does not deserve to be there or belong there. Here is a barometer to help you determine who goes IN and who goes OUT. If your conversations and/or time with that person creates emotional turmoil or drama, then they go OUT. If you find yourself OUT, then understand that it just means that there is something about your dynamic that does not CLICK in a healthy way with that person and revamp how you view the relationship. Another barometer is the person's presence has the ability to significantly alter your mood or mindset, then that person's role in your life needs to change because NO ONE should have that kind of power over you and your mood.

Again let me just be real, sometimes we inappropriately put people IN places and roles in our lives that they can not fulfill at all. Accept that reality and let them go or shift the nature of the relationship in order to salvage it. You have to control what is going on in your life because if you don't, then what is going on in your life will control you. Your mental, physical, and spiritual health are not worth the sacrifice. And if I'm one of those people in your life, I am not mad at you because you are probably one of those people in my life. Let's position ourselves to live happily ever NOW in 2011, because 2010 is gone and we can't get any of it back. However, we do have an empty bucket for 2011 waiting for US to decide what and who to put in it because it is full of possibilities.

For more endless wisdom and timeless lessons, visit and purchase your copy of Use Your Buckets: Twelve Life Lessons for Success. This book was featured on The Balancing Act on Lifetime. See the interview on national television on January 5th @6 am CST/7am EST. Share this information with a friend and follow the blog that is changing people's lives by changing their perspectives!


Dr. VG

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