Saturday, February 5, 2011

What to do when you don't know what to do!

Life is full of unexpected twists and turns. Often we serve as the force behind those twists and turns with the decisions that we make whether they are good, bad, or indifferent. The resulting forces can create a whirlwind of activity that causes us to lose our focus, make missteps, or find ourselves turning completely around. So when you find yourself in that place where you just don't know what to do, what DO you do? Let me tell you what I've discovered.

I've discovered that even though I may not know what to do, God does know. When I trust Him with my decision making and my actions He has a way of making clear to me what to do but only step by step. I may not see the full picture or understand why I have to take the steps that I take but I do know to take that first step in FAITH.

Taking that first step in FAITH, you have to FOCUS on hearing God's detailed and specific instructions. It is only in a state of FOCUS that you can hear Him clearly. FOCUS, intense, and deliberate will bring great clarity to you in any situation when you believe that you gain clarity! Faith and Focus begin to work together to bring about solutions to your situation a bit, a piece, a slice at a time.

Once you have operated in FAITH and FOCUS, there must be ACTION. Not just an initial step but continued ACTION. Massive ACTION is generated from initial action on a consistent basis. Every day you are taking new initial steps. Every day you are moving...getting closer to your destination even when you don't realize it. Too often we want to quit or give up right before the breakthrough comes. We stopped believing the promises of God a minute too soon and made a decision that delayed or altered our God-ordained outcome. We ended up with a knock-off of God's original plan for us because we bought just a little too soon. We ended up missing out on the promise from Sarah to get the imitation from Hagar. Abraham's promise was not lost because of their impatience but it was delayed and there was a lot of drama that resulted from their decision that still impacts us today.

Stop giving up TOO soon! Stop giving in TOO soon! Stop throwing in the towel when you are just supposed to lay it down! What to do when you don't know what to do is have FAITH, FOCUS, and ACTION! Let them have their perfect work and watch the wonders of God be revealed!

For more timeless lessons and endless wisdom, listen to Dr. Glass on 880 AM WBMD or online Visit and purchase your copy of Use Your Buckets: Twelve Life Lessons for Success. This book was featured on The Balancing Act on Lifetime. See the interview by clicking The Balancing Act banner on Share this information with a friend and follow the blog that is changing people's lives by changing their perspectives!

Operating in Faith, Focus, and Action,

Dr. VG

1 comment:

  1. I have always thought of myself as a true believer and follower of God. But recently I discovered that if I want to experience the many blessings that God has in store for me that I have to Focus all my Faith in him, not just a little bit but all.. And when I learned to do that God showed me just how good life could be when you learn to have faith that he will take care of you..
