Lately, I have been faced with all of the challenges of being in transition. Transition in relationships. Transition in living situation. Transition in the spiritual. Normally, the thought of all of that transition would make me want to roll over and die, but not now. I find myself embracing my transitions not because I want to go through all of these changes at once, but because they are going to happen whether I embrace them or not. So I have finally learned to simply embrace what God allows because there is always purpose in it.
When God is transitioning us, we may find ourselves alone or our circle shrinking to a seemingly nonexistent point. It may seem lonely at times. It may even seem as though the world is against us and they MAY be, BUT GOD! But God is more than the whole world against us! But God says that "no weapon formed against us shall prosper." But even Jesus said concerning His crucifiers who mocked Him on the cross, "Forgive them for they know not what they do."
All of these scriptures are true but challenging to accept as reality because they are counter to our human nature which is to just whine, complain, and feel sorry for ourselves while we play the victim. Well, transitioning into a new dimension and not just level means that we shift how we handle attacks because attacks will and must come. Because they must come, we have to move beyond being ruled by extreme emotions by the attacks and do what must be done to shift ourselves which the world may see as being selfish. Don't let that move you!
You have a mission and a purpose and anything and anyone who detracts from that mission and purpose must be moved or dealt with differently. If you can't move them, move yourself because your destiny is too important to abort because of foolishness. You see, we get it twisted. It may appear that fight is about people, situations, or things, but the fight is really about destiny. Destiny decisions cost! Let me say that again, destiny decisions cost! They cost Jesus and they will cost us!
When Peter told Jesus that he wouldn't let Him go to Jerusalem and suffer, Jesus' response was to the spirit of fear in Peter which He told to "get behind" Him. There are some folks who have spirits that you have to tell to get behind you, because where you are going you can't afford to have people with doubt or fear distracting you from your destiny. I know that sounds harsh, but when Jesus needed to perform a GREAT miracle He put everyone out of the room except Peter, James, and John. Now notice that the same one who had been in the room for the GREAT miracles as well as all of the other ones ended up trying to prevent Jesus from doing what was necessary for Him to transition into a new dimension. But the same one also denied Him three times before he was restored by Christ to do a great work.
What am I saying in all of this? Sometimes you have to shift people's position in your life so that they can grow to be who God desires them to be and to do what God desires them to do. But you have to transition, no matter the cost and it will cost you. The disciples had to leave families and land, but Jesus promised to restore hundredfold because they willingly gave those things up for His name's sake. You only get sevenfold for what the enemy takes, but hundredfold for what you voluntarily give up. Wow!
It is time to transition into a new dimension. A dimension that will require your faith to operate on a higher level. A dimension that will thin out your circle. A dimension that will pull stuff out of you both good and bad. A dimension that will not allow you to be a victim, but requires you to walk in victory in all situations and circumstances. A dimension that will require you to take responsibility for your life, your choices, and your consequences. A dimension that will show you God in a new, deeper, more enlightened light. A dimension that you have never been to before and is foreign. You will learn a new language and new customs. Stop fighting the transition and just SHIFT!!!
For more timeless lessons and endless wisdom, listen to Dr. Glass on 880 AM WBMD Thursday, March 3rd at 3:00 pm as she serves as the guest host on "Nothing But the Truth w/ Carl Boyd, Jr." or online at Visit and purchase your copy of Use Your Buckets: Twelve Life Lessons for Success. This book was featured on The Balancing Act on Lifetime. See the interview by clicking The Balancing Act banner on Share this information with a friend and follow the blog that is changing people's lives by changing their perspectives!
Dr. VG
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