I wish you would love me the way that I desire to be loved. I've spent my entire life trying to be the person you'd be proud of. I went to school. I got degrees. I got good jobs! Had more than three! I wish you would just recognize the person I am and the love I have inside.
Why is it that we spend the majority of our lives wishing someone would do something? Whether that someone is a parent, sibling, child, friend, family member, boss, co-worker, or mate, wishing will not make it a reality. When you find yourself dealing with people whose respect, admiration, and love you desire but they for whatever reason(s) are unable to give it, stop trying. I know that may sound harsh but the reality is if you can do something to get the response, then you can also do something to lose it. By definition, that is not unconditional.
Unconditional love, respect, and friendship is not contingent on you doing anything. You have to understand that in life others will TRY to control you by giving and withdrawing the things they know that you desire. But you have to set boundaries on what you are and are not willing to deal with in life. You know, I had an epiphany (revelation) today. There are things that I have wanted from family members and the opposite sex which I have failed to get no matter how wonderful I am. And I do know that I am wonderful. Not perfect but wonderful! At some core level my relationship whether good or bad with my biological parents has affected positively and negatively every aspect of my life. It stops TODAY!
I am sick and tired of allowing people who made decisions 40+ years ago that led to my creation to dictate my present and my future. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE my parents. However, the reality is that parents are people with flaws and shortcomings like everyone else. I will honor them and respect them but I will not be manipulated, dictated to, or confused by their choices, attitudes, or actions any longer.
TODAY I choose to affirm my OWN worth and value! I am an intelligent, beautiful, anointed, loving, giving, inspiring, sexy, lovable, forgiving, passionate, artistic, invaluable, irreplaceable, and unforgettable woman. I was created to make a difference in the world and I am doing just that. I am victorious, unbreakable, unshakeable, unmoveable, steadfast, determined, and unstoppable. I am an extension of the great I AM!
Today, my words to you are going to be a little different though they may start out the same. I wish you would allow me to be fully and completely me and accept and love all of who I am, but if you don't I simply won't have room for you in my inner circle. I wish you would see my value and choose to redeem me like Boaz redeemed Ruth, but if you don't my life won't stop. It just means that YOU are not MY Boaz. I wish you would honor my accomplishments and be proud of what God has allowed me to achieve, but if you can't I will still love you as my family but also understand that I have to place some distance between us. I wish you would learn the lessons I taught you through my words and my life, but if you don't it is your life to live and I accept that fact. I wish you would choose to take control of your life and destiny, but if you don't I still choose to take control of mine.
Today, I wish you would read this blog and walk away a better, more enlightened person, but if you don't I will write anyway. My wishes for you are love, peace, knowledge, understanding, and joy. But if you don't receive them, then it is your loss. So much for wishes...focus on what you can control and you can ONLY control YOU! Be the best YOU that YOU can possibly be and let the rest GO!
For more endless wisdom and timeless lessons, visit http://www.drveronicaglass.com/ and purchase your copy of Use Your Buckets: Twelve Life Lessons for Success. This book was featured on The Balancing Act on Lifetime. See the interview on national television on January 5th @6 am CST/7am EST. Share this information with a friend and follow the blog that is changing people's lives by changing their perspectives!
Wishing You the Best,
Dr. VG
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